Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Christ! There are eight zeros in the thought bubble...

Plan on reading Cheever's memoirs (or should that be his miscellany of misanthropy?) over Christmas. It's bound to lift the spirits!

Looking forward to whatever dramas 2010 presents after all it can't be any worse than this year... could it?

Monday, December 21, 2009


We've a lot of work to get through over the next month. By February, I've got to have an entire series outline and scripts written for our 'make or break' meeting with CBBC.

Down to the last four from about four thousand submissions, so very close to a result.

While I've been writing, Henry's been working on character development. Really happy with the darker direction our show is taking.

A lot of work has gone into the project - with major involvement from artists, animators, composers etc. from all over the UK.

Hope to repay them all for their help. But seeing as we're all broke, the only way we can is by getting commissioned.