Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Mr. H. Coate, the head honcho of Studio Cheese posted me a tasty animation brief on Sunday.

My response may lead to an enjoyable collaboration with Le Singe, Brighton or it may get shot down in flames and result in an unfeasible amount of lip-curling and sneering derision by Nathan barley/Shoreditch types.

Nothing new there, then. Looking forward to getting feedback.


Got news on Friday that the io Total Twitness campaign got an ICAD nomination in the Social Media category.

Nice campaign to have come up with and nicer still to see it supported... and nicer again to see it get some recognition.

Good luck to Tim and the guys - hope it gets a bell for them.

For more award-winning ideas...or even ideas that are just worth an award-nomination give me a bell on 086 3010734.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Here's a really nice project I worked on with io recently. It's Ireland's first ever, Twitter-led, office-based fitness programme.

Instead of a Christmas gift, we created this light-hearted regime to help clients lose a pound or two in January.

A new exercise was posted every day and clients were notified by email or by following on Twitter.

The campaign was so successful that even the arch-slacker Spencer Pratt was following the campaign - proof enough that that guy really has nothing better to do...